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Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007

Off to my new job in New Zealand without family

Well tomorrow I'll be flying from Frankfurt to London Heathrow and from there to Auckland with a stop over in Hong Kong and then a domestic flight to Wellington ;-)
Departure 1st Nov. 6PM arrival 3rd Nov. 2 PM nice time frame isn't it

So on Saturday I'll know if they turn my visa into a permit so I can start working.

My employer arranged for accommodation for the first month so I've got some time to find me something reasonably priced. I mean I don't make enough to have me a summer house in Germany ;-)

So the next post will be from Wellington New Zealand and how the flight and all the official things like customs etc. went. Still didn't pack anything but I did send out cancellations on all insurances here, so by the time Elena and Angelique come over (next year July :-( ) no insurance will have my name on it.

I also collected all the papers I'll need in New Zealand to extend my permit/visa to a 3 year one and will do all the medical checks hopefully in Wellington.

OK wish me a good journy and talk to you later

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