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Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

Office Close Down Wellington

Well my last day of the Christmas holidays is almost finished and on Monday I'll go back to work. The company closed down for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year so I had a lot of time to go around.

My colleague even left me his car to drive around and I did we (I took a friend whom met in the bar :-)) we went to the south end of Wellington to see the coast line there and it was very nice to be there plus I didn't make any accidents driving on the wrong ...oops left side of the road. Now I am used to driving on the left and it really doesn't make a difference on the right or left it's all the same.

Today we went up to Featherston and on to Lake Ferry and had a look at the Pacific Ocean really great and my friend told me just to wait and see the South Island it is breath taking he says, so I am looking forward to go there but I'll wait for the rest of the family to arrive.

We also went to see the Dutch Shop in Petone on Jackson Street just for the fun of it, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised of what they all had to offer :-) I don't have to miss any bad stuff :-) from Holland.

Also had a look at the future High School my daughter wants to visit looking good on the outside but will ahve to make an appointment with Hutt Valley High School to check it out properly.
